Substituted Tricyclic Compounds, inhibitors of Fibroblast Growth Factor receptor (FGFR); Pharmaceutical composition that comprises; a method for treating cancer, myeloproliferative disorder, disorder of Skeletal Disorder, hypophosphataemia, among others.
The present invention relates to tricyclic compounds of formula (I), and pharmaceutical compositions of the same, that are inhibitors of one or more FGFR enzymes and are useful in the treatment of FGFR-associated diseases such as cancer.<;p>;LA SOLICITUD SE REFIERE A COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE TETRAHIDROPIRROLO[3&rsquo;,2&rsquo;:5,6]PIRIDO[4,3-D]PIRIMIDINONA, INHIBIDORES FGFR, A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE LOS COMPRENDE Y A SU USO EN EL TRATAMIENTO DEL CÁ;NCER O UN TRASTORNO CONDROCITICO O ESQUELÉ;TICO.<;/p>;