This creation is a kind of intelligent magnetic clasp medicine box,It is mainly the administration device that a kind of pass what is controllable and can be automatically reminded to,The mode that magnetic effect of electric current is switched as administration,And by the general pivot structure what medicine box of multiple electromagnetic lock combination whats,A portable Multifunctional medicine box for being automatically reminded to and being administered is formed,User is reminded to take medicine and start covering simultaneously according to the time set by the controller in control equipment,With reach avoid user miss because of busy for the moment medication time,Forget to take drugs,Repetition takes drugs and takes the intelligent magnetic clasp medicine box of the puzzlements such as the drug of mistake.本創作係一種智慧型磁扣藥盒,其主要是一種關於可控制且能夠自動提醒的給藥設備,將電流磁效應作為給藥開關的方式,並將多個電磁鎖結合於一般樞軸結構於藥盒上,形成一可攜式自動提醒及給藥的多功能藥盒,根據控制設備中的控制器所設定之時間同時提醒使用者吃藥及啟動遮蓋,以達到避免使用者因為一時的繁忙而錯過服藥時間、忘記服用藥物、重複服用藥物及服用錯誤的藥物等困擾的智慧型磁扣藥盒。