Potapov Nikolaj Antonovich,Потапов Николай Антонович
FIELD: construction.SUBSTANCE: bathhouse has three compartments (for rest, for washing, and a steam room). The floor in the washing compartment is made inverted-V. The surface beneath the floor is made concave downwards to collect and drain water to the outside by means of a pipe. The floor inclination angle and the water drainage pipes fluctuate within α=5-10°. The chimney section above the stove opens into the rest compartment and then vertically through the draft regulator and the roof into the atmosphere. The door opens into the recreation compartment. A hot water tank with a tap is located in the washing compartment and is connected by means of two pipes with the third tube in the stove. A ventilation opening is installed in the rest compartment. A plank bed and one berth for sitting in all three compartments rest and are secured on the walls with two edges. All three compartments are separated from each other by heat-insulating walls, in which doors and glass units are installed. On the wall at different levels near the front door there are two additional ventilation openings, a thermometer showing the temperature in the steam room, a clothes shelf, a matchbox, a peg hanger and a portable firewood box.EFFECT: improving the convenience of carrying out a full-fledged bath procedure and improving the bath ecology.5 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к области удовлетворения жизненных потребностей человека, в частности к санитарно-гигиеническим устройствам личного и домашнего обихода, для проведения полноценного воздействия на организм посредством банных процедур с веником. Помещение бани имеет три отделения (для отдыха, мойки и парная). Пол в моечном отделении выполнен двускатным. Поверхность под полом выполнена вогнутой вниз для сбора и отвода воды посредством трубы наружу. Угол наклона пола и трубы отвода воды колеблются в пределах α=5-10°. Участок дымохода над печкой выходит в отделение отдыха и далее вертикально через регулятор тяги и крышу в атмосферу. Дверца в