1. A portable hand-held device (10) for scheduling the projected X-ray imaging for medical radiography, comprising: - a first structure (12) for presenting a central axis (14) of the projected X-ray radiation (16) and- a second structure (18) for representing the cross-sectional area (20) of the projected X-ray, wherein the first structure is made with manual positioning of the user relative to the test object, wherein the second structure is configured to regulate the user so that the size and proportion of the area cross-section are adjustable with respect to the test object, whereby the current spatial position of the first structure and the current size and proportions cross-sectional area are detectable measuring device (22) .2. . The scheduling apparatus of claim 1, wherein the second structure is provided as a projection unit (24), projecting elements (26) frame indicating the size and proportions of the cross-sectional area wherein the imaging device is provided on the device planirovaniya.3. The scheduling apparatus according to claim. 2, wherein the projection unit is integrally formed with the first konstruktsiey.4. . The scheduling apparatus according to claim 2 or 3, kotoromproektsionny unit comprises adjustable settings of the projection so that the projected frame elements can be adapted to different sizes and / or different proportions of the cross-sectional area and the projection of the current settings are transmitted to the measuring ustroystvo.5. The scheduling apparatus of claim. 2 or 3, wherein1. Переносное ручное устройство (10) планирования для визуализации проецируемого рентгеновского излучения для медицинской рентгенографии, содержащее:- первую конструкцию (12) для представления центральной оси (14) проецируемого рентгеновского излучения (16) и- вторую конструкцию (18) для представления области поперечного сечения (20) проецируемого рентгеновского излученияпричем первая конструкция выполнена с возможностью ручного позиционирования пользова