Methods and components for the treatment of farringia related diseases when subjects are in an incomplete state of consciousness, such as sleep apnea and snoring, Including the use of an adrenaline reuptake inhibitor (NRI) and a muscle receptor antagonist Japanese: Methods and compositions for the treatment of conditions associated with pharyngeal airway muscle collapse while the subject is in a non-fully conscious state,E.G.,Sleep apnea and snoring,comprising administration of a norepinephrine reutake inhibitor(NRI)and a muscarnic received antagonist.Métodos y composiciones para el tratamiento de afecciones asociadas al colapso muscular de la vía aérea faríngea mientras el sujeto está en un estado no completamente consciente, por ejemplo, apnea del sueño y ronquidos, que comprende la administración de un inhibidor de la recaptación de noradrenalina (NRI) y un antagonista de los receptores muscarínicos.Methods and compositions for the treatment of conditions associated with pharyngeal airway muscle collapse while the subject is in a non-fully conscious state, e.g., sleep apnea and snoring, comprising administration of a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (NRI) and a muscarinic receptor antagonist.