FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: method comprises watering using the system of mole drainage, flooding rice checks, mowing rice in rolls with two-three-fold threshing of rolls while leaving rice straw on the surface of the check. In autumn before fall ploughing the chemical ameliorant phosphogypsum is applied along with 60 t/ha manure on the surface in the dry state by spreading on the surface using spreaders. The ameliorant dose depends on the degree of soil salinisation: in case of the exchangeable sodium content of less than 15% 3-5 t/ha is applied, in case of 15-20% - 8-10 t/ha, and if it is greater than 20% - 10-15 t/ha. In spring the mole drainage of subsurface layer is carried out, the disease-treated rice seeds are sown in ordinary way. Then flooding of rice checks is carried out with water layer of 10-12 cm. In case of a very strong degree of soil salinity the originally created layer is drained after 2-3 days, and the checks are flooded again with fresh water, in the initial period of development of rice plants - from seed germination till emergence of 2-3 leaves, for the period of germination and seedling emergence (23-27 days) the water is drained and during this period dressing with fertilisers and growth stimulants is carried out, treatment with herbicides using aircraft is carried out. After the mass seedling emergence in phase of 2-3 leaves on the rice field layer of water of 10-12 cm is created again and supported up to tillering period, and then reduced to a level of 5-10 cm. If increase in mineralisation of water to 2 g/l in the check is recorded, its drainage and replacement with fresh water is required. In the early phase of booting the water layer is increased to 15 cm and kept to the end of the milk stage. In case of increasing of mineralisation of water its systematic replacement is carried out, then the water supply is stopped and by the beginning of full ripeness of grain the water is completely drained.EFFECT: method enables to prevent the su