The invention describes a device (10) and method for anchoring two or more bodytissue layers (22, 24) to one another. The device in one form may be a hollow, collapsible,microthin polymeric shaft (16) affixed to a noncollapsible tip (20) at a distalend (12) of the polymeric shaft. A preformed balloonable distention (18) formedin a discrete region of the shaft proximal to the noncollapsible tip would be adaptedto anchor against one of the body tissue layers within a body orifice (26). A rod(50) attached at one end to the tip which extends along the shaft and terminatesat a second end near a proximal end of the device would be used for transferringmovement from the second end to the f irst end so as to effect a movement in the tip.The method pertains to the method of using such a device to secure one or more tissuelayers together, ultimately to assist in the fusion of the layers.