A sorbent hemodialysis system includes a dialyzer configured to receive a flow of clean dialysate from a reservoir and to output an unclean dialysate flow. The system also includes a sorbent component having a urease section and a sorbent section through which the unclean dialysate flow from the dialyzer passes, wherein the sorbent component removes urea from the dialysate. The system further comprises a membrane electrolyzer that receives at least a portion of said clean dialysate flow and separates the dialysate flow into an acidic component flow and a base component flow. A mixing conduit combines the base component flow from the membrane electrolyzer and an output dialysate solution from the urease section of the sorbent component to separate the dialysate solution into an ammonia gas amount and ammonia liquid amount. A gas vent is used to vent the ammonia gas amount, and the sorbent section with a suitable amount of zirconium phosphate (ZrP) removes the ammonia liquid amount from the unclean dialysate flow before flowing the clean dialysate to the reservoir. The system can further include a second mixing conduit upstream of the sorbent section of the sorbent component, the second mixing conduit combining the acidic component flow and the ammonia liquid amount in the dialysate solution to increase the pH of the dialysate solution to about 7.5 prior to returning to the reservoir.Linvention porte sur un système dhémodialyse à laide de sorbant comprenant un dialyseur configuré pour recevoir un flux de dialysat propre en provenance dun réservoir et faire sortir un flux de dialysat non épuré. Le système comprend également un composant sorbant ayant une section uréase et une section sorbant à travers lesquelles passe le flux de dialysat non épuré provenant du dialyseur, le composant sorbant éliminant lurée du dialysat. Le système comprend en outre un électrolyseur à membrane qui reçoit au moins une partie dudit flux de dialysat propre et sépare le flux de dialysat en