The invention provides a method for producing polypeptide protein products and nucleic acid products having reduced levels of antigenicity in an animal being treated with a biologic product. Somatic cells are isolated from an animal, transformed into pluripotent stem cells, transfected with a nucleic acid(s) of interest, and re-differentiated towards somatic cells known to be high level producers of the desired nucleic acid product. The invention can be used to derive a general cell line to treat populations, racial specific cell lines to treat ethnic groups, or patient specific cell lines to treat individuals. Additionally, the invention provides a method to allow induced pluripotent stem cells to be re-differentiated towards their somatic cell of origin so that the cells can be used to therapeutically treat an animal without resulting teratoma formation.La presente invención se refiere a un in vitro para producir un polipéptido o proteína biológica terapéutica recombinante aislada para tratar una enfermedad que comprende transfectar una célula madre pluripotente producida sintéticamente (spPSC) con un ácido nucleico que codifica para dicho polipéptido o proteína biológica terapéutica recombinante, en condiciones en las que el polipéptido o proteína es expresada por dicha spPSC, y el polipéptido o proteína después es aislado de la spPSC, y la spPSC se produce a partir de una célula de un animal.