To provide an orally disintegrating tablet (ultra-rapidly-disintegrating tablet) that can be manufactured easily without any complicated processes such as freeze-drying, and has both high disintegration properties and high tablet hardness, and a package packaging the ultra-rapidly-disintegrating tablet. Provided is an orally disintegrating tablet characterized by having a disintegration time in water of less than 15 seconds and in that the deformation of the tablet at the time of rupture on the stress-strain curve of the tablet is 1.7 (%) or greater. Also provided is a package such a press through package (PTP) or a packaged body packaging the orally disintegrating tablet.提供一種可不經冷凍乾燥之繁雜操作而以簡便方法製造之兼備高崩解性及高錠劑硬度的口腔內崩解錠劑(超高速崩解錠劑),及將該超高速崩解錠劑包裝而成之包裝體等。一種口腔內崩解錠劑及將該口腔內崩解錠劑包裝而成之擠壓包裝(PTP,Press Through Package)體或一包化體等之包裝體,其中,該口腔內崩解錠劑之特徵在於:水中崩解時間未達15秒,錠劑之應力-應變曲線中,破裂時之錠劑的應變為1.7(%)以上。