(57)< Abstract > It possesses the cancer and the skin of the animal which receives radiotherapy and the degree of serious illness of the obstacle which in the mucous membrane it occurs, the blend of implication and the Omega -3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and the arginine it was added it lightens the Omega -6 polyunsaturated fatty acids by the fact that the hood composition where balance comes off nutrition is supplied to the aforementioned animal.癌を有し放射線療法を受けている動物の皮膚と粘膜とに生じる障害の重症度を、オメガ-6多価不飽和脂肪酸類を含みかつオメガ-3多価不飽和脂肪酸類とアルギニンとの混合物を補充した栄養的にバランスのとれたフード組成物を前記動物に供給することで軽減する。