1. Method for compensation of hyperglycemia in diabetic patients comprising the non-invasive determination of glucose in the blood of a patient before and after a meal by a measuring device, comparing the specified levels of glucose with corridors glucose value taken from a healthy person, detecting the excess of glucose in the blood of a patient taken over glucose value of a healthy person, patient acceptance of the drug compensating hyperglycemia in a dose proportional to the excess of glucose in the blood on the received value of the glucose level in a healthy person, characterized in that initially by regular intervals of 10-15 min, measuring the level of glucose in the blood of a healthy person before and after the meal for 120 min plotted response function of the organism to standard glycemic impact during meal equivalent, for example, receive 75 mg of glucose, and then as the reference target gradurovochnoy depending on the blood glucose level of the patient with diabetes diabetic patients to take logistic curve - S-shaped portion of the graph of the response functions of the body of a healthy person in the standard glycemic effects in the corridor between the accepted values of blood glucose levels in a healthy person, namely the level of fasting blood glucose 5.0-7.0 mmol / l up to the level of glycemia after a meal 8.0-10.0 mmol / L, then perform diagnostic glikometriyu patient at intervals of 10-15 minutes, and then fasted after eating, sequentially compares each reading obtained with a corresponding reference value depending on target gradurovochnoy at first1. Способ компенсации гипергликемии у больных сахарным диабетом, включающий неинвазивное определение уровня глюкозы в крови пациента до и после еды посредством измерительного прибора, сравнения установленных уровней глюкозы с коридорами принятых значений уровней глюкозы у здорового человека, выявления величины превышения уровня глюкозы в крови пациента над принятым значением уровня глюкозы у здорово