The invention provides non-replicating compositions, and methods for thedelivery ofthese compositions containing pharmaceuticals, biologically relevantmolecules, and/orantigents to the host, by administration via a mucosa] route such as theintranasal. Thisinventions provides non-replicating vaccine compositions and methods for thedelivery ofantigens in these vaccine compositions comprising an antigen and a self-adjuvantingcarrier, useful for inducing antigen-specific mucosa] and systemic immuneresponses inthe host upon immunization via a mucosal route such as intranasal. The vaccinecompositions comprise multivalent cations in association with a plurality ofsphericalarchaeal polar lipid aggregates containing aqueous compartments, the AMVADstructure,formed by the interaction of archaeosomes and antigen(s) with multivalentcations suchas Ca2+ , wherein the AMVAD structure acts as a self-adjuvanting carrier fortheantigen(s) in the vaccine composition. Certain advantageous immune responsescan alsobe elicited with the subject compositions.