A bone anchor (2) is provided comprising a shaft (7) having a first end and a second end (9), a channel extending from the first end to the second end (9), and a plug member (30,40,41) which is insertable into the channel and guidable through the channel for closing the channel at the second end. The bone anchor is suitable for minimally invasive surgery in such a way a guide wire can be guided through the bone anchor and after the bone anchor has been anchored in the bone the plug member is inserted to close the open end of the bone anchor. A bone cement or a pharmaceutical substance can be introduced into the bone anchor.本案提供一種骨骼固定件(2),包括幹部(7),有第一端和第二端(9),從第一端延伸到第二端(9)之凹溝,以及栓塞構件(30,40,41),可插入凹溝內,引導穿過凹溝,在第二端封閉凹溝。骨骼固定件適於最少侵襲性手術,其方式是導引金屬線可引導貫穿骨骼固定件,俟骨骼固定件已固定於骨骼內後,即可插入栓塞構件內,封閉骨骼固定件之開口端,骨水泥或藥劑物質,可引進入骨骼固定件內。7‧‧‧幹部9‧‧‧第二端11‧‧‧徑孔12‧‧‧末端部13‧‧‧肩部15‧‧‧開口30‧‧‧栓塞構件31‧‧‧第一圓筒部32‧‧‧切角部33‧‧‧第二圓筒部34‧‧‧過渡部35‧‧‧保持彈簧