Radio wave energy transmission device, including radio waves (RF) energy, a coaxial conductive cable of hollow conducting microwave energy especially for the ablation of biological tissue. The conductor of the inside and outside of the coaxial, the distal end portion from the proximal end of the cable to extend the entire length of the cable almost. The inner conductor comprises a tubular member having a lumen hollow extending in the axial direction (lumen). Then, the outer conductor includes a tubular member which is disposed in substantially coaxial relationship over a portion of the inner conductor at least. Alternatively vacuum, disposed between the conductors inside and outside dielectric to inhibit conduction between the conductors of the inner and outer is provided by the dielectric medium. Ablation member for transmitting a radio frequency energy to the body tissue is disposed at the distal end of the cable. Helical coil, ablation member may be a microstrip circuit or monopole. [Selection] Figure Figure 1ラジオ波エネルギー伝送装置は、生体組織の焼灼のためにラジオ波(RF)エネルギー、特にマイクロ波エネルギーを伝導する中空状の同軸導電性ケーブルを含む。同軸の内側と外側の導体は、ケーブルの近位端から遠位末端部までほぼケーブルの全長に延びる。内側の導体は軸方向に延びる中空状の腔(lumen)を有する筒状部材を含む。そして、外側の導体は少なくとも内側の導体の一部の上にほぼ同軸の関係に配置される筒状部材を含む。内側と外側の導体間の伝導を阻害する誘電性は、内側と外側の導体間に配置された真空、あるいは、誘電体媒質によってもたらされる。体組織へラジオ波エネルギーを伝達する焼灼部材がケーブルの遠位末端部に配置される。焼灼部材は、ヘリカルコイル、モノポールまたはマイクロストリップ回路であってよい。【選択図】 図1