An improved cooking assembly and method is disclosed. The assembly includes a base pan for heating and boiling water. An inner pan is suspended or elevated above the base pan via a support member. Ideally, the support member allows water to flow over, under, or through it. A lid is disposed over the base pan, and a gap remains between the rim of the inner pan and the base pan. Optionally, the handle of the inner pan fits into a notch in the rim of the base pan to lock it into place, and a projection may extend from the handle of the inner pan to a receiving member in a handle of the base pan. The lid may be extended using a free-standing peripheral extender or an extender wall about the lid. Optionally, a grill may be placed on the inner pan, or poaching pans may be placed in the inner pan. Water is heated and transformed to steam. The steam is allowed to condense on the interior concave surface of the lid, and condensed water then streaks down the lid toward the outside edge. In this manner, food is cooked evenly without any of the problematic effects of burning.