The invention relates to a mould pressing method and mould pressing machine, comprising a first stage in which moulds (1) containing cheese and with a lid are transported to overturning means (13), which is characterized in that it comprises a second stage in which said moulds (1) are overturned horizontally and in this manner transported and loaded onto a first, transfer structure (24) with an upward and downward movement, which is located at the approximate loading level, a third stage in which said moulds (1) are transferred from said transfer structure (24) to a first horizontal structure (3), arranged on a first level (7), which is located in the initial position, until the first structure (3) is full, a fourth stage in which actuating means (4) move said first structure (3) to a contiguous position (second position) and place a second horizontal structure (5) devoid of moulds in the initial position in order to be loaded, and a fifth stage in which, once all the structures (3, 5) available have been loaded with moulds (1), the moulds (1) are pressed, via the two ends of the structures (3, 5) using pressing means (6).Procedimiento para el prensado de moldes y máquina prensadora de moldes. Comprende: una primera fase en que se transportan unos moldes (1) con queso en su interior y tapa hasta unos medios tumbadores (13), caracterizado porque comprende: una segunda fase en que se tumban horizontalmente dichos moldes (1) y de esta forma se transportan y cargan sobre una primera estructura de transferencia (24) con movimiento de elevación y descenso, que se sitúa al piso de carga adecuado, una tercera fase en que se traspasan dichos moldes (1) desde la estructura de transferencia (24) a una primera estructura (3) horizontal, dispuesta sobre un primer piso (7), que está situada en la posición inicial, hasta llenar la primera estructura (3), una cuarta fase en que unos medios de accionamiento (4) desplazan la mencionada primera estructura (3) hasta una posición contig