The present technical solution (Utility Model) relates to the field of medical equipment, and more particularly to devices for the infusion of sterile infusion solutions, blood and blood products directly into the blood and natural cavity of a human during intensive care and resuscitation during surgery, postoperative.A device for infusion into the blood and natural cavity of a human comprises a housing consisting of a pump for the infusion solution at a certain speed, heater hardened thereon system tube for infusion injections, and connected to the housing movable or fixed connection, temperature sensors at the inlet and outlet portion of the tube for monitoring the blood temperature entering the solution, and in case of exceeding it, to emergency shutdown devices, data input unit equipped with a keyboard and a data output module, snabzhennog liquid crystal display. Operation of the heater and pump unit are interconnected and coordinated by a control module which is able to maintain a stable temperature of the solution at a change in infusion rate and change the temperature of the solution at a constant flow rate, allowing the device to work in manual or automatic programmable modes.The inventive device has in comparison with the prior art a number of advantages: it is more compact, mobile, easier and more convenient in operation. The device is portable, easily portable device. It can be widely used in hospital inpatient (in resuscitation, therapy, surgery, trauma, burn centers, etc.), as well as in cars and airplanes ambulance in mobile medical complexes to provide effective medical care in the field and in extreme situations.Настоящее техническое решение (полезная модель) относится к области медицинской техники, а более точно к устройствам для вливания стерильных инфузионных растворов, крови и кровезаменителей непосредственно в кровь и естественные полости человека при проведении интенсивной терапии и реанимации, в процессе оперативного вмешательства, в послеопер