A solid formulation of agrochemicals is provided to be smoothly and stably sprayed without the decrease of the discharge amount of a sprayer capable of simultaneously rice-planting or blocking of the sprayer by limiting the number of the granulate having a specific particle size. An improved solid formulation of agrochemicals is characterized in that the solid formulation is columnar granulate and the number of the granulate having a particle size of more than 3.5 mm is less than 6 per 1 gram of the solid formulation. To control harmful organisms in paddy field, the solid formulation is applied to the paddy field using a sprayer capable of simultaneously rice-planting at the time of the rice planting.농약활성성분을 함유하는 고형제제로서, 그 고형제제가 주상 입상물이며, 3.5 mm이상의 입자 길이를 가지는 주상 입상물의 개수가 그 고형제제의 1 g당 6개 이하인 것을 특징으로 하는 수전용 농약의 개량 고형제제에 관한 것이다.