TOTEMEIER, Hunter, D.,TOWE, Brett, A.,ERMALOVICH, Joseph
A bed with a steel bar and an ampere on it; a bracket (10) with a top length (13a).One foot end length (13b) and side length (11a),(11b) at armaz amp; oacute; n.un armaz amp; oacute; n. at the top of the torso support (16) est amp; Aacute; at the turn connection with the first shuttle connection; ntilde; or (20) at armaz amp; oacute; n. (22) at armaz amp; oacute; at the top of the torso support with two amps. Aacute; Gulo (24) was identified as the first transvestite and ampere; ntilde; or a marriage. The first wheel (28) is fixed on the amp, the Aacute, the rectangle on the V amp, the eacute, the rtice and the second wheel (29) are fixed on one end of the arm.In terms of formal integration, this is not the case. The first actuator (21) is set, from the top length of the top to the crossing riostra (23), and the akut, rectangle stretched between the two arms. 1. The lifting device; oacute; n has a first range of motion, the first wheel is in this range; Aacute; is connected with the longitudinal width (52) of the top of the body; the second range of motion, the second wheel is in this range; Aacute; 1. Connected to longitudinal length; lt; / P gt;<;p>;UNA CAMA ARTICULADA QUE INCORPORA UN ARMAZÓ;N DE SOPORTE (10) CON UN LARGUERO DE EXTREMO DEL CABEZAL (13A), UN LARGUERO DE EXTREMO DE LOS PIES (13B) Y QUE TIENE UNOS LARGUEROS LATERALES (11A), (11B) DEL ARMAZÓ;N. UN ARMAZÓ;N DE SOPORTE DE LA PARTE SUPERIOR DEL CUERPO (16) ESTÁ; CONECTADO DE MANERA GIRATORIA A UN PRIMER TRAVESAÑ;O (20) EN EL ARMAZÓ;N. UN CONJUNTO DE ELEVACIÓ;N (22) PARA EL ARMAZÓ;N DE SOPORTE DE LA PARTE SUPERIOR DEL CUERPO TIENE DOS BRAZOS EN Á;NGULO (24) FIJADOS AL PRIMER TRAVESAÑ;O CON UNIONES ARTICULADAS. SE FIJA UN PRIMER PAR DE RUEDAS (28) A LOS BRAZOS EN Á;NGULO EN UN VÉ;RTICE Y SE FIJA UN SEGUNDO PAR DE RUEDAS (29) EN UN EXTREMO DE LOS BRAZOS, DE MANERA DISTAL CON RESPECTO A LAS UNIONES ARTICULADAS. SE FIJA UN