A kind of tea twisting machine structural improvement of what is closed in this creation system,When espespecially one kind is rubbed tealeaves do not leak outside,The tea twisting machine person of uniform force is rubbed,Main system is equipped with a twisting disk by a base,One is equipped with above what twisting disk to be driven and the rotation bucket of rotation by transmission mechanism,It is equipped with an elevating mechanism above the rotation bucket,One by elevating mechanism controlled on platen,Platen system is corresponding with twisting disk on this,Hairbrush is wherein equipped with around the rotation bucket external wall beneath,Structure person in this way,It is also mobile with seasonal tealeaves by its hairbrush when rotation bucket rotation,It does not leak outside up to tealeaves when rubbing tealeaves,Have dust reduction capability person again.本創作係關於一種茶葉揉捻機結構改良,尤指一種揉捻時茶葉不外漏、揉捻受力均勻之茶葉揉捻機者,主要係由一機座上設有一下捻盤,於下捻盤上方設有一受傳動機構傳動而轉動之旋轉桶,該旋轉桶上方設有一升降機構,一受升降機構控制之上壓盤,該上壓盤係與下捻盤相對應,其中該旋轉桶下方外壁周圍設有毛刷,如是結構者,藉由旋轉桶轉動時其毛刷也同時令茶葉移動,達揉捻茶葉時茶葉不外漏,又具防塵功能者。