Problem to be solved: to provide an induction tube capable of observing swimming from a fish tank to an aquarium in an aquarium or aquarium.The arch type fish induction tube is designed to be able to observe the graceful swift of the fish, because the fishs action is transparent, and it also leads to spreading the range of behavior of the fish, and it is also an opportunity to record the faint action of the fish spawning season by the surveillance camera, and the fish induction tube It was also possible to develop a suitable plant for aquatic cultivation.There are three ways to open this cap. (1) open type cap to open the cap by buoyancy of the floating bag, (2) the capping type cap which can be opened and closed by hand in a relatively shallow water tank, etc. (3) water tank is relatively deep, and the \"iron wire rod\" which corresponds to the depth of water is integrated with the cap into the pond or swamp, and is turned right on the water surface How to open inDiagram【課題】水槽や水族館において、魚の水槽から水槽への泳ぎを観る事ができる誘導管を提供する。【解決手段】アーチ型魚誘導管は、魚の行動が透明のパイプを、配したため一段と魚の優美な泳ぎの姿を観ることが出来るように成った、又魚の行動範囲を広める事に繋がり、更に魚の産卵期のふしぎな行動を監視カメラで記録する機会ともなり、又魚誘導管で水の流れを誘導することで水の活性化を図り更に水耕栽培に適した植物を栽培することで、魚と植物のコラボ館としても開発可能となった。このアーチ型魚誘導管に水を流し入れ満水させる方法に水中キャツプが有るが、このキャップの開ける方法は3通りある。(1)浮き袋の浮力でキャップを開ける自然型開放キャツプ、(2)水深が比較的浅い水槽等では、手で開け閉め出来る切込み式キャップ、(3)水深が比較的深い水槽又は池や沼等には水深に応じた「鉄線棒」を・キャップと一体化させて、水面上で右回しで開く方法【選択図】図1