The present invention relates to an energy-neutral type odorless and underground cattle shed system, comprising: a cattle shed (10) buried in the ground; an excreta treatment unit (20) which is buried in the ground together with the cattle shed (10), which receives animal excreta collected by the cattle shed (10) to prepare an anaerobic digestion remainder through methane fermentation of the animal excreta, the anaerobic digestion remainder being used as a fermented liquid for compost beds or as a nutrient for crops, and which collects biogas generated at the time of methane fermentation, the biogas being used as an energy source; a ventilation unit (30) having an inlet (32) exposed to the ground and an outlet (33) exposed to the bottom of the cattle shed (10) via the ground so that the air on the ground is induced into the ground, and the introduced air is supplied to the cattle shed (10) at a constant temperature; a first filter purification unit (40) for filtering to purify an odor in the cattle shed (10); and a second filter purification unit (50) for compulsorily ventilating the odor purified through the first filter purification unit (40), thereby allowing the odor to be purified by the soil and the filter. Here, the biogas generated from the excreta treatment unit (20) is subjected to a desulfurizing process, stored in a gas storage tank (60), and then used as an energy source of a combined heat and power generator (80), and the power and the heat generated through the combined heat and power generator (80) are used for the excreta treatment unit (20) and the second filter purification unit (50).본 발명은 에너지 중립형 무취-지하 축사시스템에 관한 것으로, 이를 위해 지중에 매설되는 축사(10);와, 상기 축사(10)와 함께 지중에 배치되고 상기 축사(10)에서 집수된 가축분뇨를 공급받아 메탄발효시켜 혐기소화 여액화하여 퇴비단의 발효액으로 사용하거나 작물의 양분으로 사용하고, 메탄발효시 발생되는 바이오가스는 포집하여 에너지원으로 사용하는 분뇨처리부(20);와, 지상의 공기를 지중 내부로 유도하여 지열에 의해 유입된 공기가 일정한 온도로 축사(10)에 공급될 수 있도록 유입구(32)는 지면에 노출되고 유출구(33)는 지중을 거쳐 축사(10)의 바닥면으로 노출되는 환기부(30);와, 상기 축사(10) 내 악취를 필터링하여 정화하는 제 1필터정화부(4