Apparatus 100 for indicating pest activity, comprising: a power source 104; an activity indicator 106; an activity sensor 102, comprising: a substrate 112 comprising a material which is attractive to a target pest species; a sensing element 114 formed on and/or within the substrate, the sensing element coupled to the power source and the activity indicator, and arranged to output a signal to the activity indicator; wherein the signal is influenced by pest activity on and/or within the substrate; and further wherein the activity indicator is operative to indicate a state of the signal received from the sensing element. The substrate maybe a material suitable for pest harborage such as corrugated cardboard. The sensing element may be a conductive track comprising first 114a and second114b unconnected conductive elements. When a pest, such as a bed bug, excretes fecal matter it will typically contain electrolytes such as blood. Such depositions bridge the gap between the first and second conductive elements and thus trigger the apparatus. A pest activity reporting system incorporating the apparatus and for conveying a state of a signal output by the apparatus to a remote location is also provided.