Egg hatching is very important to increase poultry production. Egg incubator is a tool used to hatch the eggs in large number by controlling the temperature and humidity at specific value. Our main aim of the project is to increase the production and daily updating eggs inside the incubator. For the first 17 days at the setter, heating unit and fan is used to maintain the temperature at the range from 37°C to 38°C and relative humidity of 55%-60% and the egg rack rotates automatically at 45° angle for every 2 hours interval using stepper motor control to prevent the embryo to stick on the eggshell. And at the hatching unit for the last 3 days the eggs are kept at hatching pan which doesnt rotate and the temperature is maintained at 35°C-37°C. This optimum condition with separate setter and hatching units will increase the production and for daily updating eggs in the units. We propose a new design of The Egg Incubator in which the setter and hatcher are separated from one another so- that updating eggs during the process taking place becomes possible. There are separate controllers employed for both setter and hatcher that performs and controls the optimum conditions in setter and hatcher.