The invention relates to an extract from wood of fir trees (Abies), preferably white fir (Abies alba), especially from a cramp containing a mixture of natural polyphenols with a reduced proportion of high molecular weight polyphenols, by 15-100% relative to the total the content of natural polyphenols and an analogously increased proportion of low molecular weight polyphenols with a molecular weight below 1000 Da for preventing, treatment of unwanted skin changes in cosmetic and dermatological use, namely, the extract itself or the shape of formulated cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations for cosmetic and dermatological use. Since the proportion of high molecular weight polyphenols in the extract is significantly lower and the proportion of low molecular weight polyphenols is significantly higher than in the so far known mixtures or extracts from conifers, penetration into the skin is significantly improved. The extract is used either in the form of a concentrate or a solid dry mixture for dermal use either directly or in the form of liquid, semi-solid and solid preparations, such as dermal liquids, including sprays, drops, shampoos and compresses, dermal powders (sprays), hydrophilic gels, hydrophilic creams , hydrophobic creams, ointments, pastes, patches and others.Izum se nanaša na izvleček iz lesa dreves iz rodu jelka (Abies), prednostno lesa bele jelke (Abies alba), zlasti še iz grč, ki vsebuje zmes naravnih polifenolov z zmanjšanim deležem visokomolekularnih polifenolov, in sicer za 15-100 % glede na celotno vsebnost naravnih polifenolov, ter z analogno povečanim deležem nizkomolekularnih polifenolov z molsko maso pod 1000 Da za preprečevanje, zmanjševanje oz. zdravljenje neželenih sprememb kože v kozmetični in dermatološki uporabi, in sicer izvlečka samega ali vobliki formuliranih kozmetičnih in farmacevtskih pripravkov za kozmetično in dermatološko uporabo. Ker je delež visokomolekularnih polifenolov v izvlečku bistveno manjši in delež nizkomolekularnih