The present disclosure discloses device system 102 and a method for determining risk associated with lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse. The creating module 116 may create a risk-profile corresponding to each lumbar intervertebral disc of a user. The risk-profile created may comprise annulus fibrosus related data and nucleus pulposusrelated data. The receiving module 118 may receive sensor-data corresponding to one or more muscle groups of user’s interest and a lumbar region of the user. The lumbar region comprises L1 to L5 lumbar vertebrae and their adjoining IV discs. Further, the sensor-data indicates an effect of user’s activity on the lumbar region of the user. The processing module 120 may process the risk-profile and the sensor-data based on a predefined value in order to determine information pertaining to a risk associated with the lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse. Further, the information may be transmitted by the transmitting module 122 to a wearable device 104 of the user.