Composition comprising (a) - 2 - [2 - (2.5 dimetilfenoximetil) phenyl) - 2 - methoxy - metilaceta - measure and (b): metconazole or ipconazole in a Weight ratio of a: B: 1 between 0.0125 500: 1, and the method applied to seeds, a Plant, or the site for Growth of the plant to protect them from damage caused by pests phytopathogen.
Composition for controlling plant diseases, which comprises a compound of alpha substituted phenylacetic acid derivative and at least an azole compound and Method for controlling such diseases;Vegetables.<;p>;Composició;n para controlar enfermedades vegetales que comprende un compuesto derivado de á;cido fenilacé;tico alfa-sustituido y al menos un compuesto de azol; y mé;todo para controlar dichas enfermedades vegetales.<;/p>;