The structure of a denture includes: at least one denture arranged in the gingiva; a massage structure is a single-layer structure between the denture and the gingiva, which has a physical massage effect on the gingiva; and a release structure is a single-layer structure between the denture and the gingiva, which has a inhibiting effect on the gingiva and / or alveolar bone atrophy. During the occlusion of the upper and lower jaws, the massage structure provides the massage effect of gingival physical stimulation, and further uses the release structure to inhibit gingival and / or alveolar bone atrophy.一種假牙的結構,包括:至少一顆配置在牙齦的假牙;一個按摩結構是假牙和牙齦間的單層結構體,對牙齦具備物理的按摩效果;以及,一個釋放結構是假牙和牙齦間的單層結構體,對牙齦及∕或牙槽骨的萎縮具備抑制作用。在上、下顎的咬合期間,該按摩結構提供牙齦物理性刺激的按摩效果,進一步用釋放結構來抑制牙齦及∕或牙槽骨的萎縮。