A unique combination of weight loss modalities that produce 20-40 pounds of weigh loss in a six week treatment period. Treatment includes a meal plan chosen to provide adequate protein and nutrition during dieting and to assist metabolism of toxins created from the release of stored fat, high amounts of fiber to assist in collecting toxins and fat in the elimination system and to encourage peristaltic action in the bowel, a bowel toner to further increase peristaltic action in the bowel, stimulating liver functions of fat and toxins. The weight loss portion of the treatment is limited to six week segments, and added to the plurality of modalities comprising the invention, to further support the body during weight loss. By supporting the body during weight loss, his invention(s) avoids the “plateau” routinely experienced by existing weight loss systems, when the metabolism slows to avoid further damage from ultra-low calories, medications, bariatric surgeries, and other stressful programs. A stabilization period is used to maintain the weight lost, and dramatically reduce the incidence of rebound weight gain.