A method of manufacturing a composite interbody device is provided, comprising: assembling superior and inferior endplates: wherein the surface features increase surface area of the bone interface layer, to optimize contact with bone at an implant site; and forming a porous core interface layer on the central barrier layer opposite the bone interface layer; diffusion bonding under heat and pressure the core interface layer with the central barrier layer and the bone interface layer coating the bone interface side with hydroxyapatite; placing the inferior and superior endplates in a mold, on each side of a core cavity, with the core interface layers facing the core cavity and the bone interface sides facing away from the cavity; and injection-molding molten plastic into the core cavity, to form a plastic core between the endplates and bonded with core interface sides of the core interface layers; wherein molten plastic extrudes into pores of the core interface layers, to bond with the endplates.