The invention relates to a preparation and to a method for inducing,enhancing or accelerating the skin pigmentation, both for mere cosmeticpurposes and for therapeutic purposes, for the therapy and/or prophylaxis ofdischromic pathologies of the skin. The method is based on the application ofa topical skin preparation containing NGF (Nerve Growth Factor), so as toobtain an intensification of the skin color or the re-pigmentation ofde-pigmented epidermal areas following vitiligo or other hypopigmentary skindiseases.The preparation of NGF and the connected method can also be used incombination with other therapies known for the treatment of skindiscoloration,such as the application of topical corticosteroids, activated vitamin D and/oractivated vitamin D3, or phototherapy alone or in combination withphotosensitizing agents, in particular psoralens.