Быков Виктор Павлович (RU),Петухова Анастасия Борисовна (RU),Викторова Елена Александровна (RU),Морозова Валентина Николаевна (RU)
The invention relates to medicine, namely to ophthalmology. In the case where the stability of the position of the intraocular lens in the eye may be compromised because of such reasons as 1) the violation anterior lens capsule opening technology, 2) post-operative fibrosis of the capsular bag to decrease its size, and 3) mismatch size implanted intraocular lens and the capsular bag is recommended application stabilizer lens capsule (IC). The use of the lens capsule stabilizer has established itself as an efficient, safe and low-traumatic method of improving results in complicated cataract surgery. The claimed device is a non-closed ring, whose surface is provided with at least four closed support arcs arranged radially, wherein the closed supporting arc are arranged at equal angular distances from each other and are directed toward the center of the open ring. Closed reference arc and the open ring lie in one plane, wherein the supporting arc is left free a central part of the ring diameter of 8 mm to 6 mm. Stabilizer lens capsule is made of flexible biologically inert material. The elastic properties of the material are such that, on the one hand, allow implant stabilizer lens capsule via an injector without extending the incision and tunneled not overlaid seams, on the other - allow to keep the required volume inside the capsule after implantation. The supporting arch create the best conditions for the fixation of the IOL different models, with the implantation of the arc does not cling to the capsule and allow the suturing of both the capsular ring to the sclera, and the IOL to the arcs of the ring.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии. В случае, когда устойчивость положения интраокулярной линзы в глазу может быть нарушена в силу таких причин, как: 1) нарушение технологии вскрытия передней капсулы хрусталика, 2) послеоперационный фиброз капсульного мешка с уменьшением его размера, 3) несоответствие размеров имплантированной ИОЛ и