The cold Hot Fu Pads Zhu of the utility model Chong Zuo Department Off Yu mono- Seed Yao Department Tou Over Pads Body Inner Bu Installed Let Hot Electricity refrigeration Single member, then cooperate Guide Hot Cai Quality and Hot Guide pipes , to Ling Pads Body the whole Warm degree and be able to Noboru or decline Shang equal Uniform, it applies and uses to make As cold compress or Hot, use the Office for improving Xian Qian Ji Intraoperative deficiencies.本新型創作係關於一種冷熱敷墊,主要係透過墊體內部裝設熱電致冷單元,再配合導熱材質及熱導管,令墊體整體溫度得以均勻上昇或下降,以作為冷敷或熱敷使用,藉以改善先前技術不足之處。(1)‧‧‧墊體(2)‧‧‧導熱材質(3)‧‧‧熱導管(4)‧‧‧熱電致冷單元(6)‧‧‧鰭片(7)‧‧‧風扇