Even though a soil disinfection method is conventionally recommended as a method for controlling kiwi fruit bacterial canker induced by bacteria, there are no practical kiwi fruit bacterial canker medicines which are available for soil disinfection globally. The present inventors assumed that control effects can be maximized when performing a foliar spray method in parallel with a pathogen sterilization method focused on the soil disinfection, and confirmed that treatment without blind spots not drenched with medicine on trees and branches is a control method capable of suppressing an ulcer disease control rate higher than 99.5% by performing a foliar spraying while drenching soil with medicine after a foliar spraying of enough water two hours ago before drenching medicine. The present invention is able to achieve a control effect of 95% or higher in overall by continuously combined treatment of the medicine of the present invention with foliar spraying twice a month, but three times a month during a rainy season, until harvest especially after May. An inorganic pesticide powder composition for kiwi ulcer disease control comprises 20.0-20.1% of silicon dioxide, 1.0-2.0% of aluminum, 15.0-16.0% of magnesium, 35.0-36.0% of calcium, 0.05-0.1% of phosphorus, 1.0-1.3% of iron, 0.4-0.5% of sodium, 0.4-0.5% of potassium, 0.4-0.5% of copper, 317.0-317.5 mg/kg% of manganese, 72.5-72.8 mg/kg% of zinc, 261.0-262.0 mg/kg% of cobalt, 0.80-0.85 mg/kg% of germanium, 13.6-13.8 mg/kg% of vanadium, and 16.8-17.0 mg/kg% of iodine based on the total weight of active ingredient (%).종래에 세균에 의해 유기되는 키위 퀘양병의 방제법으로는 토양소독방법이 추천되고 있으나 실제적으로는 토양소독할 만한 키위 궤양병 적용약제가 부재할 뿐만 아니라 세계적으로 전무한 상태이었으나, 본 발명자들은 토양소독 위주의 병원균 살균방법에 엽면에 병행하여 살포해 줄 경우 방제효과가 극대화될 수 있다는 가정하에서 물을 제관주전 약 2시간 전에 충분히 엽면살포한 후 본 발명 약제를 포함 토양 관주함과 동시에 엽면살포함으로서 나무와 가지는 물론 약제가 관주되지 않은 사각지대가 없는 처리방법은 궤양병 방제율을 99.5% 이상 억제할 수 있는 방제 방법임을 확인하였고, 특히 5월 이후 엽면살포 월 2회(단, 장마철에는 3회) 수확시까지 지속적으로 본 발명 약제를 병용처리함으로서 전체적으로 95% 이상 방제 효과를 달성할 수 있는 뛰어난 효