LI, Mei,LOGAN, Martin C.,POWELS, Greg,WILLIAMS, Alex,WILSON, Stephen L.
N refers to a compound; oacute; n refers to an inhibitor of nitrification; oacute; n refers to an inhibitor of nitrification; oacute; n enhanced type and its application in agr amp, Iacute and colas. One A formula; oacute; n de suspendi o n oacute; n de microc amp; Aacute; includes: (a) the first phase of M amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; Aacute; pus with Tama ntilde; or part Iacute; average volume of about 1 to 10 microns,Aacute; microcapsules include: (1) a wall of microchlorohydrin and amp; Aacute; reacci and amp; oacute; n de polycondensaci amp; oacute; interface between isocyanate polyurethane and amp; eacute; Rico and a polyamine to form polyurethane coating; (2) at least one nitration West ampere inhibitor; oacute; n amp; Aacute; (b) Uacute; ltples micro amp; Aacute; Tama amp; ntilde; part amp; Iacute; average volume is about 1-10 μ m;Microchlorohydrin and amp; Aacute; bag includes: (1) microchlorohydrin and amp wall; Aacute; reacci amp; capsule produced by Aacute; oacute; n de polycondensaci amp; oacute; interface between isocyanate and amp; eacute; Rico and a polyamine to form a second layer of polyurethane; (2) at least one crystal inhibiting additive; oacute; bicycle package On the second deck of polyurethane; and (c) aqueous phase; / P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N INHIBIDORA DE LA NITRIFICACIÓ;N MEJORADA Y SU USO EN APLICACIONES AGRÍ;COLAS. 1. UNA FORMULACIÓ;N DE SUSPENSIÓ;N DE MICROCÁ;PSULAS QUE INCLUYE: (A) UNA PRIMERA FASE SUSPENDIDA DE MÚ;LTIPLES MICROCÁ;PSULAS QUE TIENEN UN TAMAÑ;O DE PARTÍ;CULA PROMEDIO EN VOLUMEN DE ALREDEDOR DE 1 A ALREDEDOR DE 10 MICRONES, DONDE LAS MICROCÁ;PSULAS INCLUYEN: (1) UNA PARED DE MICROCÁ;PSULAS PRODUCIDA POR REACCIÓ;N DE POLICONDENSACIÓ;N INTERFACIAL ENTRE UN ISOCIANATO POLIMÉ;RICO Y UNA POLIAMINA PARA FORMAR UNA CUBIERTA DE POLIUREA; (2) AL MENOS UN COMPUESTO INHIBIDOR DE LA NIT