A collecting method records medical transaction declarations by: inputting private information of a patient; requiring two immediate and simultaneous fingerprints, one from each of two persons; displaying prompts for camera photographic images; acquiring the camera photographic images; recording a response through an apparatus display and user-selectable response; prompting for biometric reader activation; recording biometric fingerprints from each of the two persons on each of two physical reader devices, respectively; time-stamping a first fingerprint and a second fingerprint and electronically determining that the two fingerprints are recorded within a time period; computing an electronic decision about the physical proximity of the two persons based upon at least a time-stamp of the first fingerprint and a time-stamp of the second fingerprint; merging biometric signatures from the two persons into an electronic agreement; generating a signed electronic agreement; and outputting the signed electronic agreement to permanent storage to memorialize the medical transaction declaration.L'invention concerne un appareil de collecte et un procédé de collecte destinés à enregistrer des transactions médicales conçus pour protéger la confidentialité d'un patient lorsque cela est nécessaire pour enregistrer des données individuelles biométriques privées. Lesdits appareil de collecte et procédé de collecte peuvent améliorer la confidentialité du patient lors de l'utilisation d'une signature biométrique telle que des empreintes digitales, des balayages de visage et des caractéristiques associées lorsque celle-ci est enregistrée dans un système informatique.