It refers to a formula compound, wherein: R3 is C1-C6 tar, Alcoy c1-c6-c1-c6 tar, etc.; E is - nr13 C (o) cr14 = CH15, among others, R13 is hydrogen or methyl, R14 and R15 are hydrogen, methyl, etc.; R12 is hydrogen, halogen, etc.; R1 is phenyl, and halogen C1-C6 is substituted for 2 to 4 times. They are special compounds: n - [2 - {6 - [3 - (2,6-dichloro-3,5-dimethoxybenzene-phenyl) - 1-methyl-urea-pyridine-4-pyridine-iramin} - phenyl acrylamide; N - [2 - {6 - [3 - (2,6-dichloro-3,5-methoxyphenyl) - 1-pyridine-3-ilmerhy-urea] - pyridine-4There are others He also mentioned a pharmacology composer and a therapeutic approach. These compounds are inhibitors of alpha HCH and are useful in the treatment of liver cancer.Se refiere a compuestos de formula (I) donde: R3 es alquilo C1-C6, alcoxi C1-C6 - alquilo C1-C6, entre otros; E es –NR13C(O)CR14=CHR15, entre otros, siendo R13 hidrogeno o metilo, R14 y R15 son hidrogeno, metilo, entre otros; R12 es hidrogeno, halo, entre otros; R1 es fenilo sustituido de 2 a 4 veces por halo o alcoxi C1-C6. Son compuestos especificos: N-[2-{6-[3-(2,6-dicloro-3,5-dimetoxi-feniI)-1-metil-ureido-pirimidin-4-ilamino}-fenil)-acrilamida; N-[2-{6-[3-(2,6-dicloro-3,5-dimetoxi-fenil)-1-piridin-3-ilmetil-ureido]- pirimidin-4-ilamino}-fenil-acrilamida, entre otros. Tambien se refiere a una composicion farmaceutica y un metodo de tratamiento. Dichos compuestos son inhibidores de FGFR4 siendo utiles en el tratamiento de carcinoma hepatocelular