The invention relates to the field of gynecology, namely to devices for the collection of biological material for further research.Technical result of utility model is a performance improvement of the collection of biological material, ensuring the simultaneous receipt of the biomaterial of the cervical canal and the outer part of the cervix.Using the utility model is implemented as follows. On examination, the patient multilayer packaging is opened. The probe is removed from the resin tube, starting from the handle 1. Holding the probe by the handle 1, a probe inserted into the vagina and the working portion of the probe 7 is sent into the cervical canal. After the introduction of the working part of the probe 7 into the cervical canal working portion 7 is pressed against the surface of the cervix and do several circular motions. Wherein ends of the first bristles 10 are contacted mainly with the surface of the cervical canal, and ends of the second bristles 9 - with the outer surface of the cervix. The ends of the first bristles and the second bristles 10 9 scrape and hold a biomaterial (e.g., dead cells or isolation) with the respective surfaces. Then the probe is removed. The holder 6 mounted therein and the working portion 7 with an assembled biomaterial break off from the handle 1. This is a destruction attenuated element 5. The holder 6 and fixed therein working portion 7 is placed with the assembled biomaterial, e.g., a closable test tube and is directed for further study.Полезная модель относится к области гинекологии, а именно к устройствам для взятия биологического материала для дальнейшего исследования.Техническим результатом полезной модели является повышение производительности сбора биоматериала, обеспечение возможности одновременного получения биоматериала из цервикального канала и с наружной части шейки матки.Использование полезной модели реализуется следующим образом. При осмотре пациентки многослойная упаковка вскрывается. Зонд достают из полимерно