Being the fluid central processing unit which uses microwave radiation, the 1st and 2nd edge wall which opposes with the side wall which substantially works out the chamber of cylindrical condition, and, being the container which it possesses, as for the aforementioned 1st edge wall, being the container and the pipeline is laid out with the interval d which is beforehand decided from the aforementioned 2nd edge wall in order which to let flow the fluid, it penetrates completely the aforementioned 1st edge wall facing toward the aforementioned 2nd edge wall of the aforementioned container, the pipeline which the aforementioned chamber is the same axis substantially, substantially is transparent vis-a-vis macro wave emission and,The inlet of the microwave radiation which is provided in the side wall of the aforementioned container in order to make the microwave of wavelength emit inside the aforementioned chamber and, it has, in order for the aforementioned chamber to become the microwave resonator, aforementioned interval d is equal to the integer two times the /2 substantially.< Choice figure >Drawing 1マイクロ波放射を用いた流体処理装置であって、実質的に円柱状のチャンバーを画する側壁と、対向する第1および第2の端壁と、を有する容器であって、前記第1の端壁は、前記第2の端壁から予め決められた間隔d1を持って配置された容器と、流体を流すためのパイプラインであって、前記容器の前記第2の端壁に向かって前記第1の端壁を貫通し、前記チャンバーと実質的に同軸であり、マクロ波放射に対して実質的に透明であるパイプラインと、前記チャンバー内に波長λのマイクロ波を放射させるための前記容器の側壁に設けられたマイクロ波放射の導入口と、を備え、前記チャンバーがマイクロ波共振器となるように、前記間隔d1がλ/2の整数倍に実質的に等しい。【選択図】図1