At present, it is in the field of plant genetics and plant breeding. This report deals more specifically with transgenic wheat plants, which contain t. timophevii's CMS specific fertility restoring gene. Claim 3: a genetically modified wheat plant, including an RF1 nucleic acid in claim 1 or 2, or one or more nucleic acids that may selectively include one or more Rf3 repair devices,Rf4 and / or rf7 were used as transgenic elements. Claim 6: timophevii's wheat plant for restoring the fertility of cytochrome CMS comprises an RF1 tail restorer and at least two restorers of claim 1 or 2, located in a repair machine room selected between Rf3, rf4 and rf7, wherein: (1) the Rf3 position is not more than 10 cm. From the mark of cfn1249269 or bs00090770, two locs R7 was the closest to 10 cm of the mark of cfn099993.Three locs rf4 was located 10 cm below the mark of cfn0393953 of SEQ ID 3233. 11. Claim 11: the wheat plant in any 3-10 claims is characterized by having at least one rf7 repair site within the rf7 site, which is characterized by one or more of the following remediation plants:La presente se encuentra en el campo de la genética de plantas y el fitomejoramiento. La presente se refiere más específicamente a plantas de trigo transgénicas que contienen genes restauradores de la fertilidad específicos del citoplasma CMS de T. timopheevii. Reivindicación 3: Una planta de trigo transgénica que comprende un ácido nucleico Rf1 de la reivindicación 1 ó 2 y, opcionalmente, uno o más ácidos nucleicos que comprenden uno o más alelos restauradores Rf3, Rf4 y/o Rf7 como elementos transgénicos. Reivindicación 6: Una planta de trigo restauradora de la fertilidad del citoplasma CMS de T. timopheevii que comprende un alelo restaurador Rf1 de la reivindicación 1 ó 2, y al menos dos alelos restauradores de la fertilidad dentro de los loci restauradores elegidos entre Rf3, Rf4 y Rf7, en donde: i) el locus Rf3 está ubicado a lo sumo a 10 cM del marcador cfn1249269 de SEQ ID Nº 3205 o de