The present invention relates to dental implants, generally well-known to the natural oxide and therapy in humans be free from corrosion and rejection that are effective in health promotion and guarantee the excellent toughness and wear a long-term preservation is possible to maintain natural teeth less than permanent life as a functional and formation process is relatively simple and straightforward and low production costs How to Protect surgery without incision of the bone and gums and teeth are formed similarly as tooth extraction to reduce the economic burden to a simple, convenient and without damaging the adjacent teeth from side to side to allow the treatment plant the artificial tooth root immediately after tooth extraction reduces vibration terror drill in the mouth by a bone faster time to take a seat shorten the treatment period and continued faded moisture in the mouth it feels soft to the touch and note the difference between the existing teeth whitening is superior comfort and functionality helps the stability of healthy living adds to the satisfaction.cut natural diamond with diamond kite (environment) and to identify the prison to them saw the color and texture of the tissue through a detailed classification purposes After re-fit the small cut diamonds disk ultrasound screening using irregular shape length width area formed by grinding and polished diamonds in leather bow with powder untilThe combination of the tooth root and the play area and the pin is connected to the metal to prevent the distortion at the top and bottom inlay made of a binary matching fixed by laser welding step.본 발명은 인공치아에 관한 것으로, 일반적으로 이미 잘 알려진 옥 천연 소재로 인체에 치료와 건강 증진에 효능이 있는 것으로 부식이나 거부 반응에서 벗어날 수 있고 강인성이 탁월하여 마모가 자연치보다 적어 장기적인 보존유지가 가능하여 반영구적인 수명으로 기능성이 보장되며 형성 과정이 비교적 단순하고 간단하여 제작비용이 적고 시술 방법이 간단하고 편리하여 경제적인 부담을 줄이고 발치되는 치아와 같이 비슷하게 형성하여 치조골이나 잇몸을 절개하지 않고 보호하며 발치 후 바로 인공치근을 심는 시술을 할 수 있도록 하여 좌우 인접치아에 손상을 입히지 않고 입안에서 드릴에 의한 진동 공포감을 줄인다 자리를 잡는 골 유착 시간이 빨라 치료 기간을 단축시키고 구강 내에서 계