АУВЕРКЕРК Мартин (NL),ВЕСТЕРИНК Йоанне Хенриэтта Дезире Моник (NL),ЛАШИНА Татьяна Александровна (NL),ХОЛЕНДЕРСКИЙ Лешек (NL)
1. A system (100) estimates cortisol levels, the system comprising: a block (10) for receiving and processing characteristics of the processing (22) the skin conductivity, skin conductivity formed over time for the user (1), wherein the processing unit is configured to determine at at least one response (24) to the impact in the characteristic (22) of the skin conductance and determining a characteristic (28) the estimated user cortisol level (1) based on at least one response (24) to vozdeystvie.2. The system of Claim. 1 further comprising a memory (11) for storage of characteristics (28) the estimated levels of cortisol, which is determined by accumulating the plurality of estimated reactions (26) of cortisol in time, wherein each estimated response (26) for cortisol over time based on a reaction (24) on vozdeystvie.3. The system of claim. 2, wherein the processing unit is adapted to evaluate each reaction (26) for cortisol over time kakgde g represents the gain, cpredstavlyaet a growth factor and a factor cpredstavlyaet zatuhaniya.4. The system of claim. 2 or 3, wherein the estimated response (26) of cortisol in time depends on the input information indicating the gender of the user, which is introduced into sistemu.5. The system of claim. 2, wherein the processing unit is configured to determine one of the at least one response (24) to effect a particular initial time (t1), and the corresponding estimated response (26) of cortisol in time has a starting point in specific initial time (t1) and lasts until the end point in a predetermined end time (t3) in buduschem.6. The system of claim. 5, in which a1. Система (100) оценки уровня кортизола, причем система содержит:блок (10) обработки для приема и обработки характеристики (22) проводимости кожи, формируемой проводимостью кожи с течением времени для пользователя (1), причем блок обработки выполнен с возможностью определения по меньшей мере одной реакции (24) на воздействие в характеристике (22) проводимости кожи и