The process of obtaining a bait formicida, resistant to moisture.Refers to this patent application for invention of a process to obtain a bait formicida,With the news that is resistant to moisture and be used in its process an extruder. The steps of the process are pre extrusion, extrusion and post extrusion.The pre extrusion includes the preparation of the ingredients and their mixture in appropriate proportion. After mixing, the material is transported to be conditioned to an appropriate content of moisture.In the stage of extrusion, the raw material is introduced into the equipment through the feeder, being driven by the bolt (s) in the direction of the matrix.As the product passes through the different zones of extrusion, there is gradual increase in the mechanical friction, caused by changes in the geometry of the screw and the opening of the matrix.As a result, also increase the pressure and temperature, in the case of the cooking of the product. The next step, after extrusion, includes drying the extruded.The rotation of the thread is given by the action of an engine, the inlet of the extruder is characterized by a region of pressure not too high and the mixing of the ingredients added,The following are the regions of pressure and shear stress increasing, and the end of the equipment is an orifice plate which imparts the desired shape to the product and a set of F.ACAS roundabouts that cut the product in required size.processo de obtenção de uma isca formicida, resistente a umidade. refere-se ao presente pedido de patente de invenção de um processo de obtenção de uma isca formicida, tendo como novidade o fato de ser resistente a umidade e ser utilizada em seu processo uma extrusora. as etapas do processo são pré-extrusão, extrusão e pós-extrusão. a pré- extrusão inclui a preparação dos ingredientes e sua mistura em proporção adequada. após a mistura, o material é transportado para ser condicionado a um conteúdo apropriado de umidade. na etapa de extrusão, a m