FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: in the previous year in the area intended for planting of topinambur, oats or spring wheat is sown. After ripening the grain is harvested by stripping. The stems remaining after harvesting are left for winter and contribute to snow retention. The pre-sowing preparation of topinambur seed material is carried out beforehand. The healthy, non-diseased tubers weighing 40-50 g are taken. The tubers are disinfected against infection in an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate in a concentration of 1:10000, sprouted in a nutrient medium of humus in half with sawdust or peat. The seed tubers are laid in a single layer in a nutrient substrate placed as a layer of 6-10 cm, and kept constantly wetting to the substrate moisture content of 60-80% HB, at a temperature of 15-20°C for 1-2 weeks prior to awakening of buds, and the onset of seedling emergence. The temperature is then lowered to 8-10°C for the formation of sprouts of 1-2 cm in length. The identified diseased tubers are removed. In the spring after the snow melting and the soil drying prior to physical maturity the germinated tubers are laid on its surface with the nutrient medium with a width between rows of 70, 75 or 80 cm, the length in a row of 30-50 cm. The tubers are sprinkled with a layer of soil or its mixture with humus with the thickness of 5-7 cm. A layer of straw of 10-15 cm is placed on the top. In the straw the Manchurian walnut leaves are laid. After the seedling emergence of the culture and their stretching over the straw layer by 10-15 cm a new layer of it is added, having the thickness of 10-20 cm. If some weeds emerge through the straw, they are removed, and till harvesting no other farming operations are carried out.EFFECT: method provides minimisation of tillage in growing topinambur and simplification of weed control when growing it.Изобретение относится к области сельского хозяйства. В предыдущий год на участке, предназначенном под посадку топинамбура, высевают