Indeed protect the cold They of the logical anti-Dust Net of Over with suction enter Wind amounts and hold up Over Hot to prevent from drawing, From and improve the operating efficiency that United closes receipts Is Machine. ;Will locally masking Tong Over The Fang Dust Net (30) Xi Ru Wind Xi Ru Wind shields (the Inner Side Mian , And Let of 35) Let As close to Fang Dust Net (30) set make The Xi Ru Wind shields (the straight Line Like in the faces Inner Side of 35) Yan Fang Dust Net (30) toward Complex move Move Flooding Move Installed set (49). Also, Will attracts the (end for moving the roads Move Trail toward Complex of the aforementioned Xi Ru Wind shields (35) of 55) Let whats of Dust Ai Dust angstrom suction ports Shang Fang Dust Net (30) outside. Also, (55) Zhi Leng They Yong Wind fan the roads secondary Xi Yin Wind (58) Let As With From Fang Dust Net (30) Tong Over radiators (the main roads Xi Yin Wind (the 59) Fen From of 14) Zhi Leng They Yong Wind fans (13) of (13) to Will From The Dust angstrom suction ports.確保通過防塵網之冷卻用之吸入風量以防止引擎過熱,從而提高聯合收穫機之作業效率。;將局部遮蔽通過該防塵網(30)之吸入風之吸入風遮蔽板(35)設為接近防塵網(30)之內側面,並設置使該吸入風遮蔽板(35)沿防塵網(30)之內側面直線狀往復移動之驅動裝置(49)。又,將吸引防塵網(30)外面上之塵埃之塵埃吸引口(55)設於前述吸入風遮蔽板(35)之往復移動路徑之端部。又,將從該塵埃吸引口(55)至冷卻用風扇(13)之副吸引風路(58)設為與從防塵網(30)通過散熱器(14)至冷卻用風扇(13)之主吸引風路(59)分離。