The present invention provides a device and method for filtering impulsive noise and channel switching noise at ADC in an ECG device with multiplexed ESCs. The filtering is based on an implementation of Burst Sampling technique also a method for correcting errors in derivedleadscaused by time delays due to sequential sampling of different ECG signals is also provided. Real time digital FIR filters are used for removing other types of noise in ECG signals. The ECG device is compact and light weight and includes features of self calibration, clip detection and drawing of power from USB port of a PC, batteries or an external power source. The ECG monitoring device of the present invention measures real time ECG signals with automated data recording, data storage and retrieval, data transmission/ transfer to an external system, along with parameter extraction for ECG analysis in an efficient manner for quick and reliable ECG measurement, in an extremely cost effective manner.本發明提供一種用於在一具有多工化ESCs的ECG裝置之ADC過濾脈衝雜訊及通道交換雜訊的裝置以及方法。濾波是以實施脈衝串取樣技術為基礎,還提供一種用於校正在衍生導程中因為順序抽樣不同ECG訊號的時間延遲所致的錯誤之方法。即時數位FIR濾波器使用於移除ECG訊號中其他類型的雜訊。ECG裝置是小型且輕量的並包括自我校正、剪輯偵測以及從一PC的USB埠、電池或一外部電源取得電源的特點。本發明的ECG監控裝置以一種極有成本效益的方式使用自動資料紀錄、資料儲存以及擷取、資料傳輸/傳送至一外部系統,還有參數擷取來測量即時ECG訊號,就ECG分析而言以一種有效率的方式供用於快速且可信賴的ECG測量。