The invention relates to a device for mixing a bone cement (55), the devicecomprisingat least one cartridge (1), wherein the cartridge (1) comprises in itsinterior a cylindricalmixing chamber (2), a discharge piston (4) which can be moved in thecylindrical mixingchamber (2) in the longitudinal direction and which is sealed against thewalls of themixing chamber (2), a mixing device (7) for thoroughly mixing the content ofthe mixingchamber (2), which is arranged in the interior of the mixing chamber (2),wherein themixing device (7) can be operated externally via a mixing rod (6) and whereinthe mixingrod (6) is guided through a passage in the discharge piston (4) in such amanner that itcan be rotated and displaced in the longitudinal direction by the dischargepiston (4),wherein the cartridge (1) comprises a discharge opening (5) opposite thedischargepiston (4), wherein in the mixing chamber (2) a first component (3) of thebone cement(55) is contained between the discharge piston (4) and the discharge opening(5),wherein a monomer fluid as a second component of the bone cement (55) isintroducable through the discharge opening (5) into the mixing chamber (2),and whereinthe device comprises a locking element (9, 10) with which the mixing rod (6)is affixableor is affixed to the discharge piston (4) in such a manner that the dischargepiston (4)can be moved by means of the mixing rod (6) in the mixing chamber (2) in thelongitudinal direction.The invention also relates to a method for storing and mixing a bone cement(55) withsuch a device.