The present invention relates to an assembly consisting of a pair of ocular implants This assembly is essentially characterized by the fact that: - each implant of this pair has a curve (A, B) of TFMTF ("Modulation Transfer Function Through Focus "/" modulation transfer function as a function of viewing distance "), for a pupil with a diameter less than or equal to 4 mm, preferably less than 3 mm, which has a peak (A / VL; B / VL) corresponding to the wearer's far vision (VL), as well as an asymmetrical peak (A / PE; B / PE) which is spread between the intermediate vision (VI) and the near vision (VP), this is to say without discontinuity between the intermediate vision (VI) and the near vision (VP); - for a first implant of this pair, the value of TFMTF is higher in intermediate vision (VI) than that of near vision (VP); -for the second implant of this pair, the value of TFMTF is greater in near vision (VP) than that of intermediate vision (VI); - the rising blank (FA) of the asymmetric peak (A / PE) of the first implant has, in absolute value, an average slope greater than that of its falling blank (FD), while the rising blank (FA) of the asymmetric peak ( B / PE) of the second implant has, in absolute value, an average slope less than that of its descending blank (FD).La présente invention se rapporte à un ensemble constitué d'une paire d'implants oculaires Cet ensemble se caractérise essentiellement par le fait que : - chaque implant de cette paire présente une courbe (A,B) de TFMTF ("Modulation Transfer Function Through Focus"/ "fonction de transfert de modulation en fonction de la distance de vision "), pour une pupille de diamètre inférieur ou égal à 4 mm, de préférence inférieur à 3 mm, qui présente un pic (A/VL; B/VL) correspondant à la vision de loin (VL) du porteur, ainsi qu'un pic asymétrique(A/PE; B/PE) qui s'étale entre la vision intermédiaire (VI) et la vision de près(VP), c'est à dire sans discontinuité entre la vision intermédiaire (VI) et la vision