Make the undressed Li Elixirs Jin rows of Han You Medical Drug compounds and Wax Like Wu Quality that Hot Office be added to manage, powder Like Wax Like Wu Quality are added under the Warm degree for making this Wax Like Wu Quality surface Wet Run, the Bei Fu System Elixirs for improving Evil tastes are produced by the grain Elixirs Biao Mian Jin rows Hot melting claddings , Ke System for writing undressed herein. Also, mixing using the slurr of Elixirs containing sugariness and bonding Elixirs dissolutions or dispersion wherein with Wet formula method Zao Li System sugariness Fine obtained and this Bei Fu System Elixirs, it can more improve its Fu Yong Quality.使含有醫藥化合物及蠟狀物質之未加工之粒劑進行加熱處理,在使此蠟狀物質表面濕潤之溫度下添加粉末狀蠟狀物質,藉著在此未加工之粒劑表面進行熱熔融包覆,可製造出改善惡味之被覆製劑。又,使用含甘味劑和黏合劑溶解或分散其中之黏合液以濕式法造粒製得的甘味細粒和此被覆製劑混合,更可改善其服用性質。